Sunday, March 11, 2012

Bus/Train Meltdowns!

Ok Mother's I'm sure many of you have experienced your child having a meltdown or tantrum in a small place like the train or bus. So what do you do? I personally try to ignore it when my daughter is having a tantrum on the bus because, there's no talking to her when she's having one. Sometimes I feel its a no win situation people look at you as if you have no control of your child. Any stories or suggestions?

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A Place Where Mom's Can Share: What is this about?

A Place Where Mom's Can Share: What is this about?: Hello and welcome to my blog, where Mother's can exchange stories about their children. Feel free to share those things that our children ...

What is this about?

Hello and welcome to my blog, where Mother's can exchange stories about their children.  Feel free to share those things that our children say that just make us laugh so hard, share recommendations of places of interest to children, any children's sales or discounts, even milestones or questions for some feedback. 

I am a NYC Mother of a 3 year old girl who amazes me every day. She keeps me on my toes and always has something to say about everything.  When she's not talking she is singing LOL. She says she wants to be "a singer on TV!" (Any suggestions of places in Manhattan where they have singing classes for her age??) She inspires me  so much. She, along with my fiance and his daughter are  the reason why I created this blog.

As a Mother, I'm sure many of you know we can talk about our children all day long! Everyday can be a new adventure and story lol.  So here is a blog where we can share in with all of our stories, and share advice with one another as well. So let the blogging begin.....